Normandi Ellis
Dreams of Isis: A Woman's Spiritual Sojourn

Normandi Ellis
Dreams of Isis: A Woman's Spiritual Sojourn
Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja.
Drawing on her travels in modern-day Egypt and her lifelong study of Egyptian mythology and art, Normandi Ellis takes us on a moving autobiographical journey through the sacred sites and rituals of Egypt's past, revealing their restorative and transformative power for contemporary women like herself. Ellis's spell-binding prose weaves a tapestry of the personal past and the spiritual eternal in this exploration of the secret wisdom of ancient Egypt.
- Kirjailija: Normandi Ellis
- Kirjan nimi: Dreams of Isis: A Woman's Spiritual Sojourn
- Kustantaja: Quest Book
- Sivumäärä: 415
- Vuosi: 1995
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty