Adrian Duncan
Doing Time on Planet Earth

Adrian Duncan
Doing Time on Planet Earth
Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja.
Adrian Duncan is one of the leading astrological lights of Europe and this book, as well as his lecture at the Europe '92 Conference last September, testifies to his wide experience as a teacher and consultant. It also reveals a profoundly philosophical mind which delights in the paradoxes of reality with which we all grapple but which astrology, at its most sublime level, embraces. Duncan's mercurial intellect ranges over a wide spectrum of topics pertinent to the astrologer's chapter one - A New Face of Time - a modem view of time as revealed through quantum physics and its relevance to a new view of astrology; chapter The Planetary Clock - The progressed horoscope as the unfoldment of individual character; chapter Correction of the birth time prior to the consultation; chapter four - Consultation Time - Horary astrology and the astrological consultation; chapter Practice - Astrological magic and psychological techniques in the consultation; chapter 'The Transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius".One of the most valuable parts of the book is his approach to the common hazards we all encounter as practicing astrologers, and his case history examples and insights into the client-counselor relationship are invaluable. Duncan combines important precepts from the therapeutic process with his work as an astrologer, and emphasizes that "explanations are best kept to a minimum - far better to draw out the explanation from the client himself through astute questioning ... Intelligent questioning can evoke an understanding of complex areas of the chart, whereas astrological explanations and rationalizations tend to evoke resistance in the client. Adrian Duncan is a real astrologer, living and working with the symbols that weave their way in and out of our lives, from the simple daily round to pivotal political events.
- Kirjailija: Adrian Duncan
- Kirjan nimi: Doing Time on Planet Earth
- Kustantaja: Element Books
- Sivumäärä: 203
- Vuosi: 1990
- Kieli: eng
- Painos: 1.
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty