C. C. Zain
Doctrine of Divination

C. C. Zain
Doctrine of Divination
Käytetty hyväkuntoinen kirja. Exlibris.
A collection of essays on different forms of divination and character reading by. C.C. Zain, (AKA Elbert Benjamine - 1882 -1951) well-known occultist, author, astrologer, and teacher of esoteric sciences. At a young age he joined Thomas Burgoyne's Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, a group closely associated with - or possibly even the same as the better known Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, of which he was Burgoyne was also the Secretary. The group was probably the only one of its type teaching practical occultism and Western magic before the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It claimed a line of descent back to the eighteenth century German Rosicrucians, although it first seems to have been active from 1870 onwards. The Order's teachings are said to have taken much from the sex magic practices espoused by Paschal Beverly Randolph, who some say was a member - although like so many things about the group there is uncertainty about this. Zain rose to prominence in the Brotherhood of Light and wrote many of its practical lessons. In 1915 he moved to Los Angeles, where he founded the Church of Light, and lectured and wrote on occultism. As do the other volumes in this series, this volume includes group of teachings (books) in one volume, this one contains: Doctrine of Divination; Tea Cup and Coffee Cup Divination; Divining Rod and other Divination; Instantaneous Character Reading; Significance of Body and Head; Instantaneous Reading from Profile; and Instantaneous Vocational Analysis.
- Kirjailija: C. C. Zain
- Kirjan nimi: Doctrine of Divination
- Kustantaja: The Church of Light
- Sivumäärä: 224
- Vuosi: 1940
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Sid
- Kunto: Käytetty