Doreen Virtue
Angel Medicine

Doreen Virtue
Angel Medicine
Part spiritual adventure story and part reference book. Angel Medicine is a three-part work that relates the exciting story of Doreen Virtue's recovery of memories of Atlantian healing methods along with messages from the Egyptian and Greek prophet and deity Hermes and the angels. The second and third parts of the book reveal the scientific studies, case studies, methods, and charts supporting the importance of love and light in healing.
Hyväkuntoinen käytetty kirja.
- Kirjailija: Doreen Virtue
- Kirjan nimi: Angel Medicine
- Alaotsikko: How to Heal the Body and Mind with the Help of the Angels
- Kustantaja: Hay House
- Sivumäärä: 257
- ISBN: 1-4019-0235-9
- Vuosi: 2005
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty