L. Ron Hubbard
What is Scientology?

L. Ron Hubbard
What is Scientology?
Hyväkuntoinen käytetty kirja.
Suurikokoinen väriteos. Kansipaperit suojattu Book Protector -filmillä.
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It's the fastest growing religion in the world, and thousands want to know about it. It's in the news more than ever. It's talked about on TV and the radio. People from all walks of life proclaim its benefits, but never has one comprehensive book been available on it -- until now.
What is Scientology? offers a comprehensive look at the Scientology religion. This is a thorough explanation of Scientology's origins, development and phenomenal growth.
Hundreds of photographs, illustrations, charts and graphs augment over 600 pages of information about Scientology, its activities and the very real impact it has made and is making on the world.
- Kirjailija: L. Ron Hubbard
- Kirjan nimi: What is Scientology?
- Alaotsikko: The Comprehensive Reference on the World's Fastest Growing Religion
- Kustantaja: Brainwave
- Sivumäärä: 835
- ISBN: 0-884046-33-8
- Vuosi: 1992
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Sid
- Kunto: Käytetty