Suzanne Rough
Transitional Astrology

Suzanne Rough
Transitional Astrology
Hyväkuntoinen käytetty kirja.
Transitional Astrology is a book about context. That context is the Universe, in which we take our place and find our purpose. The knowledge, the Ageless Wisdom, is as old as Man; the structures are those of Esoteric Astrology, written by Master D.K. through Alice Bailey. This work aims to work shows how these esoteric perspectives can be made to enhance the role of orthodox astrology as a spiritual tool, and encourages the idea that when we can see our place in the larger scheme, we will have a better understanding of our potential, collectively and individually, and of how to use life and time wisely.
Transitional Astrology is recommended to astrology practitioners, and to students with a working knowledge of horoscopy.
- Kirjailija: Suzanne Rough
- Kirjan nimi: Transitional Astrology
- Alaotsikko: Giving an Esoteric Role to Orthodox Astrology
- Kustantaja: Authorhouse
- Sivumäärä: 131
- Vuosi: 2014
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty