The Awakening of Intelligence

The Awakening of Intelligence
Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja. Suojaperissa takakannen puolella pieni repeämä.
This comprehensive record of Krishnamurti’s teachings is an excellent, wide-ranging introduction to the great philosopher’s thought. With among others, Jacob Needleman, Alain Naude, and Swami Venkatasananda, Krishnamurti examines such issues as the role of the teacher and tradition; the need for awareness of ‘cosmic consciousness; the problem of good and evil; and traditional Vedanta methods of help for different levels of seekers.
- Kirjailija: Krishnamurti
- Kirjan nimi: The Awakening of Intelligence
- Kustantaja: Gollancz
- Sivumäärä: 538
- Vuosi: 1973
- Kieli: eng
- Painos: 1.
- Sidos: Sid
- Kunto: Käytetty