Richard Holloway etc.

Revelations: Personal Responses to the Books of the Bible

Richard Holloway etc.

Revelations: Personal Responses to the Books of the Bible

Normaalihinta €12,00
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In 1998 the reaction to the Pocket Canons—individual books of the Bible published as a series with iconoclastic introductions—came in Biblical proportions.  The simplicity of the idea, the quality of the introductions, and the appeal of the format and design drew major media attention and the series went on to become an enormous international success.  Now, for the first time, those considered, personal, and sometimes controversial introductions have been collected in a thought-provoking anthology. Featuring a wonderfully diverse group of writers and personages from Charles Frazier and E.L. Doctorow to The Dalia Lama, U2’s Bono, and Karen Armstrong, Revelations is a unique and moving way of examining, teaching, and reflecting on the books of the Bible.

  • Kirjailija: Richard Holloway etc.
  • Kirjan nimi: Revelations: Personal Responses to the Books of the Bible
  • Kustantaja: Canongate
  • Sivumäärä: 403
  • ISBN:
  • Vuosi: 2005
  • Kieli: eng
  • Sidos: Nid
  • Kunto: Käytetty