Lee Carroll

Kryon Book I

Kryon Book I Kirjat

Lee Carroll

Kryon Book I

Normaalihinta €8,00
Etsi avainsanoilla:

Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja.

When planet earth reaches a time of dimensional shift and change, it is important to remember that the Universe (which we know as God) never abandons us. One of the wqys source shares its love is to provide information from knowledgeable intelligences by having teachers born into body. Another way this is done is by having teachers trance through a loving channel who can be trusted not to misrepresent, alter or misuse this needed support. The tranced information then assists us in understanding and in making personal adjustments with grace and ease

  • Kirjailija: Lee Carroll
  • Kirjan nimi: Kryon Book I
  • Alaotsikko: The End Times
  • Kustantaja: The Kryon Writings
  • Sivumäärä: 172
  • ISBN: 0963630423
  • Vuosi: 1994
  • Kieli: eng
  • Sidos: Nid
  • Kunto: Käytetty