H. P. Blavatsky
Collected Writings Volume V

H. P. Blavatsky
Collected Writings Volume V
Foreword (xxiii)
Chronological Survey & Key to Abbrev. (xxiv-xxix)
Table Of Contents (xxx-xxxii)
June 15, 1883.
Explications Relatives a la Controverse Sur L’Occultisme (1-4)
Explanations Relatives to the Controversy (4-6)
July 15, 1883.
Théosophie et Spiritisme (6-35)
Theosophy and Spiritism (36-65)
“Oppressed Widowhood” in America (65-67)
August, 1883.
Our Fifth Year (67-69)
Devachan: Western Stricture and Eastern Version (DWSEV): Memorandum (70-73)
DWSEV : The Real and the Unreal (74-81)
DWSEV : Dream Life (81-88)
DWSEV : The Various States of Devachan (88-94)
The Essentials of Religion (95-100)
A Human Storage Battery (101-103)
Funeral Rites Among Savage Races (104)
The Teachings of Allan Kardec (105-106)
Is Foeticide a Crime? (106-108)
Editor’s Note to “Efficacy of Funeral Ceremonies” (108)
Transmigration of the Life-Atoms (109-117)
Miscellaneous Notes (117)
A Final Answer (118-121)
H. P. B. and Freeethought (Letter dated August 16, 1883; first published in August, 1931) (122-125)
Our New Branches (125-127)
Miscellaneous Notes (128)
Sept., Oct., Nov., 1883.
Introductory Remarks by the Compiler (129-138)
Some Inquiries Suggested by Mr. Sinnett’s “Esoteric Buddhism”: (139-142)
Reply to an English F. T. S. (143-150)
Do the Adepts Deny the Nebular Theory? (150-155)
Is the Sun Merely A Cooling Mass? (155-163)
Are the Great Nations to be Swept Away in an Hour? (163-171)
Is the Moon Immersed in Matter? (171)
About the Mineral Monad (171-175)
Sri Sankaracharya’s Date and Doctrine (By T. Subba Row) (176-197)
“Historical Difficulty”—Why? (198-210)
Leaflets from the Esoteric History (211-226)
Philological and Archaeological “Difficulties” (227-241)
Sakya Muni’s Place in History (241-259)
Inscriptions Discovered by General A. Cunningham (by T. Subba Row) (259-262)
Compiler’s Notes (263-275)
September, 1883
The Khabar (276-277)
The Theosophists (277-279)
Footnote to “Of the Serpent Python and the Pythonesses throughout the Ages” (279-280)
Genteel Beggars (280-283)
Editor’s Note to “A Story of Thirty Years Ago” (283-284)
Editor’s Note to “What is Sauce for the Goose, is not Sauce for a Gander” (284-285)
Professor Huxley and “Isis Unveiled” (285-286)
The Final Result of the Savage Attack of the Roman Catholics on the Buddhists at Colombo (286-287)
Footnote to “Reason and Intuition” (287)
Miscellaneous Notes (288)
Footnotes to “An Enviable Disincarnation” (288-289)
October, 1883.
Projection of the Double (289-293)
Introductory Note to “Life Of Giordano Bruno” (293-294)
Was Writing Known Before Pânini? (294-310)
Pindams at Gya (310-313)
Arne Saknussemm (313-314)
An Appeal for the Redemption of the Poor Pariahs (314-315)
“Impressions From the Infinite” (316-317)
A Plea for a Personal God (317-320)
The Lawn-Tennis School of Critics (321-323)
Miscellaneous Notes (324)
Paying the Way (325-327)
The Buddhists and Government (328)
October 27, 1883.
“Esoteric Buddhism” and its Critic (329-334)
November, 1883.
Morality and Pantheism (335-341)
The “St. James’ Gazette” and “Esoteric Buddhism” (342-349)
The Rev. W. Hastie’s Karma and the Progress of Poesy in Bengal (350-351)
A Christian Minister on Theosophy (351-357)
The Ionian Theosophical Society (358)
General Bibliography (361-386)
Index (387-416)
- Kirjailija: H. P. Blavatsky
- Kirjan nimi: Collected Writings Volume V
- Alaotsikko: 1883
- Kustantaja: Quest Books
- Sivumäärä: 416
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Sid
- Kunto: Uusi