Katrijn van Oudheusden
Beyond Illusion: Exploring the Six Illusions that Cause Our Mistaken Belief in a Separate Self

Katrijn van Oudheusden
Beyond Illusion: Exploring the Six Illusions that Cause Our Mistaken Belief in a Separate Self
Käytetty hyväkuntoinen kirja.
The root cause of all the stress, worry, and dissatisfaction in your life is the belief that you're an individual self, standing apart from the rest of reality.
But what if this self whose problems you're so caught up in, is an illusion?
If you want to know how this could be true, Beyond Illusion is for you.
The story we currently believe is that we're a separate self in a world of 8 billion other selves — individuals who control their personal thoughts, actions, and growth. We’ve been told this story since the day we were born, swallowed it as fact, and now tell it ourselves.
But if this is something we've learned to believe, we can consider an alternative.
That is what Beyond Illusion does with insights from neuroscience, philosophy, and ancient wisdom traditions such as Buddhism.
Together, these findings can open our minds to the idea that the separate self we so strongly believe in is nothing more than a cognitive illusion.
Knowing this can remove 1) personal suffering, because why worry on behalf of an illusion, and 2) collective problems caused by belief in separation and division.
But I'm not trying to make you adopt another belief system. I'm only inviting you to consider the mind-blowing insights gathered from 10 experts in their fields and come to your own conclusion.
In the final chapter, I introduce the practice of non-dual self-inquiry, which can help you go beyond understanding the illusion to a direct experience of freedom.
Because understanding is not enough. Only a direct knowing of no-self will change your life.
This book is a prequel to my book Selfless Leadership, a practical, self-inquiry workbook built around the 16 inquiries I've found to be most helpful in awakening from the illusion of the self.
- Kirjailija: Katrijn van Oudheusden
- Kirjan nimi: Beyond Illusion: Exploring the Six Illusions that Cause Our Mistaken Belief in a Separate Self
- Kustantaja: Tekijän kustantama
- Sivumäärä: 121
- Vuosi: 2023
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty