Geoffrey Hodson
Basic Theosophy

Geoffrey Hodson
Basic Theosophy
Hyväkuntoinen käytetty kirja. Kansipaperi haalistunut.
The value of this book lies in its simplicity and applicability to the conduct of everyday life. The conquer the mind and achieve purity of hear is to attain the inner peace which we all seek. Geoffrey Hodson (1886--1983) was an internationally known clairvoyant who spent more than sixty years as a lecturer for theTheosophical Society, speaking in America, Europe. South Africa, India, Australia, and the Far East. He conducted clairvoyant research, including first-hand investigations of the angelic evolution, in collaboration with medical professionals, physicists, anthropologists, and archeologists. He was awarded the Subba Row Medal in 1954 for his more than forty contributions to Theosophical literature.
- Kirjailija: Geoffrey Hodson
- Kirjan nimi: Basic Theosophy
- Alaotsikko: The Living Wisdom
- Kustantaja: The Theosophical Publishing House
- Sivumäärä: 571
- ISBN: 81-7059-166-x
- Vuosi: 1991
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Sid
- Kunto: Käytetty