Joseph Viglioglia
Avalon Tarot
Joseph Viglioglia
Avalon Tarot
Englanninkielinen opasvihkonen. Korteissa tekstit kuudella kielellä.
Mythical Avalon, home of the chivalrous legends of King Arthur and his knights, comes back to life in these beautiful cards with a fantastic medieval setting. The deck is inspired by the thirteenth-century French tradition.
Mythical Avalon, home of the chivalrous legends of King Arthur and his knights, comes back to life in these beautiful cards with a fantastic medieval setting. The deck is inspired by the thirteenth-century French tradition.
- Kirjailija: Joseph Viglioglia
- Kirjan nimi: Avalon Tarot
- Kustantaja: Lo Scarabeo
- Kieli: eng
- Kunto: Uusi