Paul Holmes
Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique

Paul Holmes
Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique
Working with people struggling to escape from the straightjacket of unexpressed human emotion and thought, professionals often use an exploration of truth through dramatic method. This method is called psychodrama. The 14 psycho-dramatists who have contributed to this book were asked to write about that which inspires them in their work and about the techniques and psychological theories they use for creative clinical practice. They write in a personal and honest way about their attempts to help a variety of client groups including adolescents, autistic children, offenders, anorexics, the sexually abused, alcoholics and those dying of cancer. The majority of books on psychodrama in English describe the theory and practice of the classical method invented by J.L.Moreno and further developed by Zerka Moreno. This book describes how the boundaries of psychotherapy can be creatively stretched by the inspired use of technique (within the method of psychodrama) and by the use of other theories, including ideas from psychoanalysis.
Käytetty kirja, kunto tyydyttävä. Muuten siistissä kunnossa, mutta jonkin verran alleviivauksia lyijykynällä & huomiokynällä.
- Kirjailija: Paul Holmes
- Kirjan nimi: Psychodrama: Inspiration and Technique
- Kustantaja: Routledge
- Sivumäärä: 253
- Vuosi: 1991
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty