Doreen Valiente
The Rebirth of Witchcraft

Doreen Valiente
The Rebirth of Witchcraft
Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja. Kansissa hieman kulumaa.
One of witchcraft's most widely known figures, Doreen Valiente was a close friend of the late Gerald Gardner, generally regarded as the founder of modern Wicca. Initiated by him in the 1950s and for a time High Priestess of his coven, Doreen helped him rewrite his seminal Book of Shadows and establish witchcraft's international reputation. In this intriguing exposé, Doreen provides an insider’s account of the birth and evolution of the contemporary Wicca movement. She recalls her spat with Gardner that eventually split his coven, the controversy surrounding Alex Sanders, "King of the Witches," and many other witches whom she has known, including “Dafo,” Robert Cochrane, Leslie Roberts, and Sybil Leek. She also describes the clairvoyant communications she received purporting to come from John Brakespeare, an 18th-century witch.
- Kirjailija: Doreen Valiente
- Kirjan nimi: The Rebirth of Witchcraft
- Kustantaja: Robert Hale
- Sivumäärä: 220
- Vuosi: 2007
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty