Ralph Metzner
Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness, and the Spirit of Nature

Ralph Metzner
Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness, and the Spirit of Nature
Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja. Pari tahraa sivupäädyssä.
Ever since the "consciousness revolution" in the 1960s, dedicated spiritual seekers and scientific researchers from all continents have explored the world of psychoactive and hallucinogenic plants. In Ayahuasca, objective scientific information and the narratives of ayahuasca users -- shamans and others -- are presented together. Readers will also learn the pharmacology of this Amazonian plant.
- Kirjailija: Ralph Metzner
- Kirjan nimi: Ayahuasca: Hallucinogens, Consciousness, and the Spirit of Nature
- Kustantaja: Thunder's Mouth Press
- Sivumäärä: 294
- Vuosi: 1999
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty