Brian Weiss

Many Lives, Many Masters

Many Lives Many Masters Kirjat

Brian Weiss

Many Lives, Many Masters

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Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja. Ex libris merkintä.

Many Lives, Many Masters is the true story of a prominent psychiatrist, his young patient, and the past-life therapy that changed both their lives.Dr. Brian L. Weiss was a scientist and psychotherapist, molded by years of disciplined study into a conservative professional. He was aware of research programs in parapsychology at major universities, but they seemed too far-fetched to consider seriously.Then he met Catherine.For more than a year he used conventional therapy to help his young and beautiful patient overcome recurring nightmares and anxiety attacks. When nothing worked he tried hypnosis. Undergoing an astonishing series of trance states, Catherine recalled past-life memories that proved to be the causes of her problems. In the incongruously quiet, dimly lit setting of Dr. Weiss office, Catherine spoke in clear and vivid terms of numerous lifetimes she had experienced, crossing classes and genders, centuries and civilizations.These remarkable sessions profoundly altered the mind and soul of both patient and therapist. In a matter of months, Catherines symptoms disappeared and she resumed a life happier and more peaceful than ever before.

  • Kirjailija: Brian Weiss
  • Kirjan nimi: Many Lives, Many Masters
  • Kustantaja: Piatkus Books
  • Sivumäärä: 219
  • ISBN: 0671657860
  • Vuosi: 1996
  • Kieli: eng
  • Sidos: Nid
  • Kunto: Käytetty