Sue Jennings

Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice 2

Dramatherapy: Theory And Practice 2 Kirjat

Sue Jennings

Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice 2

Normaalihinta €40,00
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Tavallisesti valmis 24 tunnissa

Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice 2 provides both clinician and theatre artist with a basic overview of recent developments in dramatherapy. The international contributors, all practising dramatherapists or psychotherapists, offer a wide variety of perspectives from contrasting theoretical backgrounds, showing how it is possible to integrate a dramatherapeutic approach into many different ways of working towards mental health.

Käytetty kirja, kunto hyvä.

  • Kirjailija: Sue Jennings
  • Kirjan nimi: Dramatherapy: Theory and Practice 2
  • Kustantaja: Routledge
  • Sivumäärä: 199
  • ISBN:
  • Vuosi: 1992
  • Kieli: eng
  • Sidos: Sid
  • Kunto: Käytetty