Mogg Morgan
The Bull of Ombos: Seth & Egyptian Magick Vol II
Mogg Morgan
The Bull of Ombos: Seth & Egyptian Magick Vol II
Naqada is a sleepy little town in Upper Egypt, that gives its name to a crucial period in the prehistory of Egypt. In 1895, William Matthew Flinders Petrie, the 'father' of Egyptian archaeology, stumbled upon a necropolis, belonging to a very ancient city of several thousand inhabitants. With Petrie's usual luck, he'd made yet another archaeological find of seismic proportions - not just an ancient city a quarter the size of Ur in Mesopotamia, a rare enough find, but the capital of the earliest state established in Egypt! Petrie's fateful walk through the desert led him to a lost city, known to the Greeks as Ombos, the Citadel of Seth. Seth, the Hidden God, once ruled in this ancient place before it was abandoned to the sands of the desert. All this forbidden knowledge was quickly reburied in academic libraries, where its stunning magical secrets had lain, largely unrevealed, for more than a century - until now.
Käytetty peruskuntoinen kirja.
- Kirjailija: Mogg Morgan
- Kirjan nimi: The Bull of Ombos: Seth & Egyptian Magick Vol II
- Kustantaja: Mandrake
- Sivumäärä: 356
- Vuosi: 2005
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty