Suzanne Rough
Understanding the Natal Chart: An Esoteric Approach to Learning Horoscopy

Suzanne Rough
Understanding the Natal Chart: An Esoteric Approach to Learning Horoscopy
Peruskuntoinen käytetty kirja. Merkintöjä lyijykynällä. Kontaktimuovilla päällystetty.
The aim of this book is to introduce students of astrology to an approach that will make horoscopy's conventional techniques useful to those who come to astrology looking for spiritual guidance. This is not about learning a new astrological language, but rather how to give a different application to the familiar techniques of Western horoscopy. Understanding the natal chart is recommended to complete beginners, those wishing to structure patchy knowledge, and those already competent in horoscopy who are in search of a more esoteric approach to see the way forward.
- Kirjailija: Suzanne Rough
- Kirjan nimi: Understanding the Natal Chart: An Esoteric Approach to Learning Horoscopy
- Kustantaja: Authorhouse
- Sivumäärä: 143
- Vuosi: 2014
- Kieli: eng
- Sidos: Nid
- Kunto: Käytetty